Puerto Vallarta, Mexico was a short visit because I just went to use a free stay I booked with my sisters Ambit points. The hotel I was staying in had mixed reviews so I didn’t have many expectations for this free stay. I must say I was pleasantly pleased and I practically had the entire hotel to myself most of the time because the other people staying here mostly went across the way to the resort hotel or the beach.
There are two taco restaurants close by that are delicious, so I was in taco heaven when I took a break from the computer. I didn’t ventured out too far beyond the hotel grounds except for the morning I went to the Malecon. It was nice to get out. I met a couple of digital nomads, a retired tech guy and a nice working woman that was taking a break from her work conference. The locals were welcoming and the people selling goods asked if I wanted some and then they left me alone.
Puerto Vallarta is definitely my kind of destination. I need to work on learning Spanish so I can come back and have an extended stay.