In 1997 I was looking for a product to clear up facial blemishes. Janie Sauls had started her Mary Kay business and invited me to try the products. I loved the products so she suggested I join the company to get my products at wholesale to save money. I received so much more than a wholesale discount by joining this business. I received mentorship, business training and the Mary Kay principals of God First – Family Second – Career Third set the expectation for the principals I wanted any future company I worked for to have.
In 2003 I let the business go to focus on the new real estate business. I stopped using the products when my inventory ran out and noticed my skin changing, so in 2008 I started purchasing products from a previous co-worker Brenda Flournoy. She sold me products for a while and then in 2009 she also suggested I rejoin the company to get my products wholesale. I rejoined Mary Kay December 15, 2009 and I have been operating the business on a very small scale for the last ten years.
This is the only multi-level marketing company that offered products I genuinely loved. It was also a company that showed me real income potential with the 50% wholesale purchase price and didn’t make me feel that I had to nag everybody in my network to join to be successful. I’m not going to say that doesn’t happen in this company because I know it does. I am thankful that both ladies that recruited me had my best interest at heart and they never badgered me to produce at a high level.
If you are looking for a side income and you have a passion for skin care and cosmetics lets discuss what the Mary Kay opportunity can be for you. I will work with you to develop your business at your pace.
If you are in need of a consultant please let me know your service needs. I will be placing my annual order on December 30 and I would love to make sure I have what you need in stock.